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Hair Transplant

Robotic Hair Transplant

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What is Robotic Hair Transplantation?

Robotic hair transplantation is a variation of the classical FUE method. In the robotic hair transplantation method, hair follicles are taken from the donor area with the help of robots. Thanks to the device used in robot hair transplantation, which is performed with 3D technology, the efficiency of the process is increased. The robotic hair transplantation method, which was first used in countries such as America, England and Japan, is used in a very limited place in Turkey. In the hair transplantation method applied with 3D technology, since the hair follicles can be seen more closely, the transplantation is performed intensively and in the fastest way. It is a little less preferred because it costs a little more than other methods. However, the damage in the donor area is very low compared to other techniques.

With the developing technology, important developments began to occur in medical applications. One of these is encountered in hair transplantation procedures. Robotic hair transplantation, which brings a different understanding to classical hair transplantation methods, aims to minimize the margin of error and sensitivity.

Patients who are looking for a guarantee of damage-free and reliable hair transplantation, what is robotic hair transplantation? is looking for an answer to the question. In this method based on 3D technology, hair transplantation procedures are performed with a hair transplantation robot. Healthy hair follicles are selected from the donor area and hair transplantation is performed to the open area using robotic surgery. 

What are the Features of Robotic Hair Transplantation?

The most basic feature of robotic hair transplantation, which we can define as a new generation hair transplantation method, is that the procedure is performed with a hair transplantation robot. The probability of breakage in hair follicles removed with the help of a robot is extremely low. For this reason, the robotic transplantation method is one of the hair transplantation procedures with the highest success rate. In addition to being an easy and practical procedure, robotic hair transplantation procedures are used to minimize or eliminate health problems encountered during hair transplantation procedures.

How is Robotic Hair Transplant Performed?

Robotic hair transplantation is a computer system with a mechanical arm, monitor and a piercing mechanism to collect hair follicles. The robotic hair transplantation method, in which the grafts are collected by the computer, not by the doctor's hand, takes place in 5 different stages.

1. Photographing the Scalp

Before the robotic hair transplant, the photos of the person who will have the hair transplant are taken. It is very important that the head area can be photographed from every angle. In this way, the head becomes 3D.

2. Donor Region is Determined

After examining the head area, which has become 3D with a computerized environment, it is determined how many hair follicles the balding area needs. After determining from which region the donor will be taken, the roots are collected.

3. Roots Gather

After the roots to be taken with the robotic method are determined, the roots of the roots are determined and the robot starts to collect the roots at the appropriate angle. The robot, which has a vacuum and round feature, collects the roots with a double chamber needle.

4. Opening of Channels

After collecting enough roots in robotic hair transplantation, the necessary channels are opened in the bald area. As in the classical hair transplantation method, channel opening is performed by manual or micromotor method.

5. Placement of Roots

The roots collected by the robotic device are placed into the opened channels at the most appropriate angle. After this stage is performed, the hair transplantation is terminated. The process after hair transplantation proceeds in a similar way with other hair transplantation methods.

5 Important Differences Between Robotic Hair Transplantation and Classic Hair Transplantation

From past to present, hair loss has become an important problem for people of all ages. Hair transplantation methods developed as a solution to these problems are performed with new generation applications in parallel with the development of technology in recent years. Robotic hair transplantation, one of these applications, has different features compared to the classical hair transplantation method. Considered in more detail, the 5 differences between robotic hair transplantation and classical hair transplantation are as follows:

  1. The hair transplantation robot used does not harm healthy hair follicles while collecting the hair follicles.
  2. The margin of error is extremely low compared to all other hair transplantation methods. In this respect, it offers a reliable treatment opportunity. While the success rate of classical hair transplantation is directly related to the sensitivity of the doctor, the margin of error in robotic hair transplantation is close to zero.
  3. Being a robotic procedure, it ensures that the treatment process can be completed faster compared to classical methods.
  4. Thanks to the minimum damage guarantee, the recovery period after hair transplantation is extremely short.
  5. It is possible to perform personalized hair design and transplantation with the help of the devices used.

What are Robotic Hair Transplantation Processes?

In this hair transplantation process, where hair follicles are made with a hair transplantation robot compared to classical methods, the process may proceed differently compared to classical methods. If the process of robotic hair transplantation is discussed in more detail;

  • With 3D model simulation, the doctor determines a hair design that is specific to the patient and meets expectations.
  • In the second stage, healthy hair follicles are determined with artificial intelligence algorithms and a high-resolution imaging device.
  • The identified hair follicles are collected carefully without causing any damage. This stage proceeds faster and error-free, unlike operations performed with manual devices.
  • Hair transplantation process is started by determining the most suitable road map and the healthy hair follicles taken are transplanted to the open areas as a result of successful procedures.

What are the Advantages of Robotic Hair Transplantation? 

Among the new generation hair transplantation methods, the most popular application in recent years is undoubtedly robotic hair transplantation. Compared to classical hair transplantation, robotic hair transplantation brings many advantages thanks to the state-of-the-art devices used. Among the advantages of robotic hair transplantation;

  • Thanks to the algorithms used, the margin of error is zero.
  • Thanks to the special equipment of the device, the direction, angle, depth and distance between the roots of the hair are automatically detected.
  • With the hair transplantation robot, no damage is done to healthy roots during the root determination and root harvesting stages.
  • Thanks to the advantage of creating a 3D model, the desired image after treatment can be determined in advance.
  • Thanks to the fast and practical procedure guarantee, a more effective treatment is provided in a shorter time.

What are the Disadvantages of Robotic Hair Transplantation? 

Robotic hair transplantation, which is a personalized application and brings many advantages, has almost no disadvantages. With the system working smoothly, every stage can be controlled by the doctor. Since high safety measures are taken in robotic hair transplantation, which is carried out under control, no damage occurs. However, due to its equipment and high-level technological features, the price scale of robotic hair transplantation is higher than classical methods. This may be seen as a disadvantage for patients considering hair transplantation.

How Many Days Does Robotic Hair Transplantation Take?

As with all other procedures, the procedure time in robotic hair transplantation varies from person to person. Robotic hair transplantation time varies depending on many criteria and takes an average of 6 - 8 hours in a single session. It is known as the hair transplantation that is completed in the shortest time compared to other procedures. The number of sessions in these transactions with a high success rate is generally 2.

What are the things to consider after robotic hair transplantation?

Robotic hair transplantation stands out as a new generation hair transplantation procedure that has recently been developed for men who have thinning hair and are uncomfortable with it. Thanks to the ease of application and post-application comfort, the healing process is completed quickly. However, in order to avoid any problems during the healing process, it is important to pay attention to the following points after having robotic hair transplantation;

  • In the first two days after the application, extra sensitivity should be shown to the treated area and the transplanted area should be protected.
  • The check-up that should be done 24 hours after the procedure should not be interrupted.
  • Hair should not be washed in the first two days. Additionally, it is recommended that the first washing be done by experts.
  • To prevent edema, it is recommended to consume plenty of water or apply cold compresses to the area.


Speed of Robotic Hair Transplantation Robot

When classical hair transplantation procedures are examined, in robotic hair transplantation, which has the fastest effect and the application is completed in two sessions, the robot speed is 2 times slower than expected. The slower speed of the hair transplantation robot compared to manual application adds an advantage to the application. Although it allows for a more precise and meticulous procedure, in some cases the patient may become overwhelmed due to the slow speed of the machine. However, the effect seen after the process and the guarantee of perfect operation prove that slow machine speed turns into an advantage.

How Much Does Robotic Hair Transplant Cost in 5 Months?

Unlike classical hair transplantation, the recovery time is shorter in robotic hair transplantation. Post-operative complications are at a minimum and hair growth is more effective at the end of the first 5 months. Hair follicles that have survived the initial phase come to life and show signs of growth at the end of the first 3 months. Generally, between 5 and 6 months, hair with a full and permanent appearance is approximately 2 cm long.

Who Cannot Have Robotic Hair Transplantation?

In robotic hair transplantation, which generally has no harm, undesirable results may be encountered if certain health criteria are not observed. In this context, people who cannot benefit from robotic hair transplantation; Hepatitis B and C patients, HIV and Aids patients, hemophilia patients and people who have had hair transplantation 3 times but have not achieved successful results. In addition, hair transplantation is not suitable for people under the age of 24.

Does Robotic Hair Transplantation Hurt? 

When robotic hair transplantation reviews are examined, one of the most frequently asked questions is: Does robotic hair transplantation hurt? is happening. As in all other hair transplantation procedures, local anesthesia is applied in hair transplantation operations performed with a robot. Thanks to hair transplantation performed under local anesthesia, the patient does not feel any pain or suffering during the treatment.

Is it possible to perform hair transplantation without shaving the hair in Robotic Hair Transplantation? 

For people who want to achieve the desired look with hair transplantation, losing their appearance can make the person feel uncomfortable in their social life. For this reason, with the modern technology of recent years, robotic hair transplantation can be performed without shaving the hair. In the hair transplantation process, the person's existing hair is shaved, but there is no need to shave the hair. In this way, the person does not feel uncomfortable while continuing his daily life.



Serkan Sevilgen
Serkan Sevilgen
We came for a hair transplant, thank you for the service we received, it is obvious that they are competent at their job, and I recommend them because they are friendly employees.
Muhammet Ali Bağcı
Muhammet Ali Bağcı
This place is almost amazing. As SAÇ OCTOBER, they are very good and the employees are very friendly and smiling. I had a hair transplant and you are very satisfied, I definitely recommend it.
Hamza AB
Hamza AB
I recommend this place, the people are very friendly and kind-hearted, we already had my father had a hair transplant, he was very satisfied here, I recommend it.
Duygu İyisu
Duygu İyisu
We came to my father for a hair transplant, we were very pleased with the service they provided, they are successful in their job and they give their due, thank you very much to your smiling employees.
Fatih Bozkurt
Fatih Bozkurt
The other day, my father had a hair transplant. It's a very high quality place. We were very pleased with the staff. Thank you for everything.
mention masonss
mention masonss
It is a successful place for hair transplantation. Both very effective results are obtained and the employees are very friendly. I definitely recommend it.
I can say that it is a great place for hair transplantation. I liked the service and attention provided.
They are doing very nice hair transplantation, the staff are very friendly, I am very satisfied, those who want to go can go without hesitation.